Welcome to a new staffing paradigm

Trellis provides no-cost staffing services for employers and consistent, engaged job support for our clients experiencing disabilities.

Don’t just fill a job, fulfill it

Job Placement and onboarding services.

Understanding your needs: It starts with a conversation. We listen to what your business needs are and ask questions to better understand where you could use assistance to reach your team’s goals.

  • Applicant screening: Our applicant screening process is rigorous. Each job candidate works with us to assess their skills, interests, and job readiness. This allows us to match your business with employees who are reliable, motivated, and will be a positive asset to your team.

  • Customized job development: Our Employment Specialists will be in frequent communication with you and the job seekers we work with to ensure the jobs we develop with you and the people we place in them are customized and carved to be the right fit — not just any fit.

  • Bringing you a match: If we have a job seeker whose skills and abilities are a good fit for your needs, we will get in touch to present the candidate.

  • Working interviews: If you want to see a job seeker’s skills in action, we can assist to set up a working interview, so both you and the employee can determine if the job is the right fit. The terms of the working interview are established on a case-by-case basis but are of no cost to the employer, and the job candidate is insured by SAIF.

  • Onboarding: Our employment specialist will support your new employee with new hire paperwork and orientation.

If you are an employer who wants your business to succeed, who wants to grow, and wants to make an impact in your community…

We can help!

Job coaching services

How we help your employee succeed:

Our support doesn’t end when your new employee is onboarded and embedded in their role.

  • Initial Coaching: Our Employment Specialists partner with you to train the employee. We complete a task analysis, systematic instruction, develop accommodations and tools, and suggest adaptive changes that can enhance job performance.

  • Continuous Support: Job Coaching and follow-up continue as needed to ensure the job is being performed to your expected standards. We develop effective communication and create natural support in the business to establish a positive and successful work environment. At your request, we can assist with the future expansion of job duties and skill development.

We use a team approach to coaching to ensure your employee has all the support they need for as long as they need so they can achieve lasting success in their role.

The evolution of job coaching services

How we promote empowered independence:

Once a new employee has learned all their job duties and is meeting performance goals, it’s important that they begin to experience all of the benefits of full integration!

As your new employee gains confidence and independence in their role, you’ll see our Job Coaches less often. We call it fading.

Fading is an intentional process where coaches help your employee use available company resources, including reaching out to fellow team members, to provide basic support with the simple questions that come up day-to-day on the job. As natural supports develop and the employee’s confidence in their capabilities grows, coaches will fade into the background.

Our ultimate goal is to help the employee adapt to increasing independence and to empower team members to engage
with the employee in the same way they do with the rest of
their colleagues.

Over time, your Job Coach will move out of the employee’s line
of sight — but may still be present at the business. During this phase, the coach may check in at intervals or work on report writing at a location nearby, but they may no longer interact directly with the employee if they are doing well on their own.

Following success in these trial periods, the coach will shorten on-site visits in regular increments. Of course, if a need arises post-fade, you can always reach out to us. We can revisit support needs and identify win-win solutions at any
phase of employment.

We know you’ll likely have questions, and we have the answers for…

  • Time, energy, resources (costs; reminder: there are none!)

  • Benefits to your business

  • Monitoring employees

  • What does it look like to have a Job Coach on the job site as an accommodation for your new employee?

  • Tax breaks (the federal government provides a Work Opportunity Tax Credit for businesses that hire people with developmental disabilities.)

  • Liability/safety

  • Employee performance expectations

  • Employee retention rates

  • Etiquette, verbiage, and expectations around interviewing
    and customizing a job for an employee who experiences I/DD

  • Disabilities (e.g., What does it look like to manage and work
    with someone who experiences I/DD?)

Our knowledgeable employment specialist team is here to answer all of your questions.

What are the benefits of finding a employee through Trellis?

Reliable workers, essential employees, tax credits and the potential to attract a growing customer base of community members who want to support businesses that employ a neurodiverse workforce.